







  1. People are eager to carry out dreams, and in order to make dreams come true, we have to save money for the future.

整句改為:People are eager to carry out dreams, and in order to make dreams come true, they have to save money for the future.

  1. My father saved plenty of money, which brought us a better life than before. 

My father saved plenty of money, bringing us a better life than before.

3. For example, my husband got fired without notice last year, I need to make sure that I have enough money to pay the bills and buy necessities. 

這題有注意到嗎?在英文裡面,兩句話的中間需要放一個連接詞。For example是整句話跟上句話的轉折詞,所以不算連接詞喔!
整句話應改為:For example, my husband got fired without notice last year, and I need to make sure that I have enough money to pay the bills and buy necessities. 

4. If a guy has a sense of humor, that usually means he is an easy going person.

可改為:If a guy has a sense of humor, he is usually an easy going person.

5. So I can clearly comprehend the difficult concept.

這也是同學常犯的問題,當一個句子沒有主要動詞或是主要子句時,是無法構成獨立的句子的。此時,我們便稱呼這樣的錯誤句子為fragment。請同學務必弄清楚哪些是連接詞,需要連接兩個子句,哪些是帶有連接詞性的副詞,可以單獨存在於句首。如:So SVO. 為fragment,但Thus, SVO. 為sentence。
可改成:Thus, I can clearly comprehend the difficult concept.

6. The reading implies that the collagen can indicate living bone tissue. Once again, the professor opposed the reason in the passage.

應改成:The reading implies that the collagen can indicate living bone tissue. Once again, the professor opposes the reason in the passage.

7. Most of the people like to make friends with someone who has a sense of humor.

可改成:Most people like to make friends with someone who has a sense of humor.

8. On the other words, making friends with smarter people can help people make money. 

慣用法請小心使用,這是約定俗成的用法,用錯了很奇怪,不會用不如不用,只要使用了,就要有把握用對。只有In other words與On the other hand,沒有On the other words這種用法。
可改成:On the other hand, making friends with smarter people can help people make money. 

9. Therefore, the reason in the reading cannot be believed.

可改成:Therefore, the reason in the reading is not persuasive.

10. The speaker points out that the collagen might be left by humans who have touched the fossil. 

可改成: The speaker points out that the collagen might be left by humans who touched the fossil. 

  1. 人稱不一致
  2. 關係子句與分詞構句混用
3. run-on sentence
4. this/that 單獨使用
5. fragment
6. 時態不一致
7. 亂用the
8. 慣用語用錯
9. 使用被動
10. 用錯時態


1. People usually want to be happy and having friends with a sense of humor can let us be happy. 

2. Jack only speaks of the upcoming exam, which makes me feel more nervous.

3. Last year I was uncertain which university to attend, one of my humorous friend, Jessica, only made fun of me. 

4. People always want to have better performance, and having smart friends can help them achieve that. 

5. If my friend weren’t intelligent, my mother may still in a terrible situation.

6. When my cousin chilled out with friends in pubs on weekends, he suddenly gets an incredible idea.

7. I am the person who don’t do research before buying things. 

8. As the result, I prefer to have intelligent friends. 

9. The shapes are relate to red blood cells. 

10. Every time Stacy sharing her funny experiences with me, I laugh so hard that I shake with laughter. 


1. People usually want to be happy and having friends with a sense of humor can let them be happy. 

2. Jack only speaks of the upcoming exam, making me feel more nervous.

3. Last year when I was uncertain which university to attend, one of my humorous friend, Jessica, only made fun of me. 

4. People always want to have better performance, and having smart friends can help them achieve the purpose

5. If my friend weren’t intelligent, my mother may still be in a terrible situation.

6. When my cousin chilled out with friends in pubs on weekends, he suddenly got an incredible idea.

7. I am a person who don’t do research before buying things. 

8. As a result, I prefer to have intelligent friends. 

9. The shapes are related to red blood cells. 

10. Every time Stacy shares her funny experiences with me, I laugh so hard that I shake with laughter. 


在文法錯誤裡面,又以fragment或是run-on sentence較嚴重,因為犯了fragment,整句話句意不完整便不合邏輯,即使寫得再好,讀者仍然無法理解,因此,便會是無效的一句話。

(以下出自TOEFL-ibt Official Guide)
For both the writing tasks on the TOEFL iBT, the people evaluating your writing recognize that your response is a first draft.
You are not expected to produce a well-researched, comprehensive essay about a highly specific, specialized topic.
You can receive a high score with an essay that contains some errors. That is, If your essay includes a few minor lexical or grammar errors, you can still get a high score.
However, if you make a lot of grammar errors and if those errors make it hard to understand your meaning, you will get a lower score.
