寫作沒你想像中的難 (下)


3. 關於邏輯:



4. 關於文法:



ETS表示:"It displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice, and idiomaticity, although it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors."

ex: separate拼成seperate, restaurant拼成restaurent, government拼成goverment,等。

也就是說以下這兩個例子雖然有些minor grammatical mistakes但是因為是30分鐘內的考試,ETS認為這並沒有影響到論點的清晰度,無傷大雅,因此,不會扣分。

ex1: Personally I believe that the internet truly improve our lives by increase the accessibility of information.

(正確句子:Personally I believe that the internet truly improves our lives by increasing the accessibility of information.)
ex2: Some might contends that telephone play a much more effective role in modern life, but I maintain that television is actually much more influential than telephone.

(正確句子:Some might contend that telephone play a much more effective role in modern life, but I maintain that television is actually much more influential than telephone.)

1. 過度使用the

同學可以把定冠詞the 想成 that當該名詞為獨一無二/ 全體/ 特定某物/ 或說話的人已經提到過的,會使用定冠詞the,後面接單數或複數名詞。

ex:  It is true that nowadays the technology rules the world.
Ans: It is true that nowadays technology rules the world.

ex: the technology development is fascinatingly rapid in modern times.
Ans: The development of technology is fascinatingly rapid in modern times.
這是很常見的寫作錯誤,同學很常會習慣把名詞直接從中文翻譯過去,於是科技發展變成the technology development, 蔗蟾蜍的數量變成the cane toad population,其實是要用of+ N.的介系詞片語隔開的,而且前面名詞通常是general noun,後面再用比較specific的名詞或片語修飾之,因此,正解是the development of technology, the population of the cane toad

2. 一句話裡面包含太多資訊
ex: A fact to support this view is that the natural personality of human being are not so active that some encouragement as help is a significant factor to motivate the ambition.

Ans: In other words, human beings tend to be somewhat passive. Therefore, encouragement serves as a significant factor in motivating them. 

3. 人稱不一致
ex: First of all, I will not emphasize the importance of muti-skills too much in building career plan. Just imagine, when people plan their careers, there might be so many dreams that we want....

看得出來嗎?作者一下用I,一下用people,後面又變到we。這裡,請同學盡量用第三人稱比較好,比較客觀,尤其是在主題句,闡述理由的時候,切忌用personal pronoun,I,否則沒有說服力。在例子裡,假如講到個人經驗、例子,可轉換成I

4. 時態不一致
ex: Both the passage and the professor are discussing gay marriage. The reading says that it should be legal, while the speaker believes that gay marriage may cause even more confusion. 

ans: Both the passage and the professor discuss gay marriage. The reading says that it should be legal, while the speaker believes that gay marriage may cause even more confusion. 

5. 寫出不獨立不完整的句子:
寫作時,同學常會犯sentence fragment(殘缺的句子)的錯誤,意即句子不完整,不能單獨存在。這個問題會比較嚴重,因為這樣就無法清楚表達句意了。
.+V.(+O.other modifiers
缺其一或二皆不足以成為一個完整句,所以在這種情況下,就是sentence fragment,"殘缺的句子"了。

1) 句子必須表達完整想法。
2) 句子必須包含主詞。
3) 句子必須包含動詞。

同學可以用以下例子檢驗看看自己是否清楚sentence fragment
ex1: Because there was no objective evidence shown in the reading. The professor does not believe that the burning mirror actually existed in the past.
這句並沒有表達完整想法,because附屬連接詞是連接主要子句與附屬子句。因此,想到because,就應立即反應because SVO, SVO。此句缺乏主要子句,故為sentence fragment。可改成Because there was no objective evidence shown in the reading, the professor does not believe that the burning mirror actually existed in the past.

ex2: People busy working like crazy nowadays. Thus, they will have less free time in 20 years.

此句缺乏主要動詞。動詞ing前面要加be動詞。可改成 People are busy working like crazy nowadays. People work like crazy nowadays.
